Past Life Imprints
[showmyads] Have you heard about imprinting? It was first discovered by Dolores Cannon in a past life regression discussion with a higher entity. Since then, more hypnotherapists have confirmed this happens. Imprinting is when a spirit has decided to be born on Earth but has not had any experience in this dimension. They access the Akashic record (or whatever they call it) and choose a life that someone else has already lived and imprint them onto the subconscious memories that their new body is going to have. This allows them Read More …
Channeling and Mediumship
[showmyads] What is channeling? This is the act of being able to contact a spirit or other non-corporeal entity or consciousness and then communicate those answers to people nearby. Unfortunately, throughout history, there have been widespread scams and charlatans in this arena. For every person that is a true medium or channeller, there are another 1000 or so that aren’t. Personally I started believing in channeling only recently. It was when that retired airforce officer Stanley A Fulham announced there would be a revealing of ufos in the sky over Read More …
Dreams are Parallel Lives
[showmyads] As discussed previously, there is an infinite number of universes in the multiverse and an infinite amount of versions that alternate versions of ourselves are inhabiting. It’s believed that our ubersoul, the soul that is connected to all these alternatives, potential pasts and futures, streams some of the more adventurous alternatives to us while we’re sleeping. Have you ever had a dream where you’re still in the job you decided to leave but everyone is older, you’ve got a new office, the boss has left and things seem like Read More …
Is the ego important?
[showmyads] Recently I had the privilege of meeting someone who has been on his journey longer than I have. He had studied and compared many different religions and was now in a period of adjustment as he increased his vibrational level and became more in touch with nature. He told me that it was important to suppress the ego. The ego was what got in the way for many people. To find true peace you must be 100% humble. This is a great sentiment and one that will definitely work Read More …
Positive and Negative Energy. Where does it go?
[showmyads] What is negative energy? Negative energy is anything that makes you feel less than joyful! It’s as simple as that. If you are happy and something happens to make you feel less happy, you’ve encountered negative energy. You’ll get negative energy from being around negative people, from observing something that results in you feeling down or depressed, or even watching a tragedy, horror or drama that affects your emotions. The problem we have is that it is believed to be extremely selfish to deliberately avoid negative situations. You cannot Read More …
Vibration Sound of the Earth is B flat
[showmyads] Did you know that Earth has a sound? Actually it’s an aggregate vibration of the sounds of the waterfalls and wind rushing around mountains, waving wires in the breeze and more. It’s the B-flat sound. I’ve never been into music so this doesn’t mean much to me but I got the meditation buzz within seconds of playing a similar sound known as the F-tone (then sore ears!). The website Kung Tao has a downloadable mp3 for you to try out yourself. So what is the B-flat tone? B-flat, also Read More …
Palmistry and Neurology
[showmyads] One of the things I like to do in my city is meet like-minded individuals who can give me a different viewpoint or insight into something that I haven’t been thinking about for awhile. I recently had the chance to discuss palmistry and, not having looked at my palm closely for at least 10 years, was surprised to find it different to what I remember. Lines further apart than they used to be, for example. I’m aware that the dominant or major hand (the one you’ll offer first if Read More …
Colloidal Iridium and Colloidal Gold
[showmyads] Recently I began taking colloidal iridium and colloidal gold. Pretty hard to find in most countries but you can usually find it online in the States. Please note that I’m not recommending YOU take them. I’m just saying I am and will give you my thoughts on them. I’m not a qualified doctor and colloidal iridium is only a recent release so lots of testing needs to be done so I cannot recommend that you take it. Every now and then I will post something about this ongoing ingestion Read More …
Everything has consciousness. Keep an attitude of gratitude.
[showmyads] Did you know that the post you’re reading right now has consciousness? It’s a very tiny awareness but, just like you’re aware in your vehicle of a body, looking past your nose out through your eyes and looking down at your hand on the mouse, the letters on the screen are aware they’re letters, the screen is aware it’s a screen and the electricity that is running everything is aware it is electricity running everything. Obviously, all these things are limited by the vehicles they’re inhabiting. A letter can Read More …
Karma, karmic debts and Christianity
[showmyads] I’ve only recently learnt about this thing called karma. Apparently when you do something in this life that causes a problem for another person, you then need to do something to reverse or fix that problem. So, if I accidentally cut someone off at the lights in my car, does that mean I need to find that person and apologise, otherwise I’m going to have bad karma? I’m really not sure about how detailed this is. I mean, obviously killing someone is going to result in bad karma but giving someone Read More …
Geomagnetic Reversals and Polar Shifts
[showmyads] Thanks to the movie 2012, people have been talking about a polar shift. Before the movie though Clive Cussler also released a polar shift story. Much like gray goo and other stories on nanobots in the 90s, polar shift stories became popular in the noughties. A polar shift should not be confused with geomagnetic reversal. Pole shifts happen only once every 100 million years or so and the result is that the Earth changes its tilt completely. Can you imagine the Earth suddenly turning upside down? There’d have to Read More …
5th Dimensional Earth
[showmyads] The biggest thing taking metaphysical and spiritual research by storm at the moment is the possibility of one of the probable future Earths moving into a higher dimension. A number of books and seminars have been held on this subject and the timeframe for this has been speculated as being sometime between 2012 and 2024. Popular thought based on the Mayan calendar suggest 2012 as indicating a spiritual awakening and possible mass ascension, but the Mayans didn’t disappear overnight as there is plenty of archaeological evidence to suggest that, Read More …
Alien Abductions – Alien Check Ups
[showmyads] Alien abductions. It’s hard to do a search on metaphysics without coming across something on someone having missing time and being regressed to find out they’d been probed on a UFO. There is so much overwhelming evidence that this is happening that it can be shocking to people when they find out that the authorities continue to sweep this under the carpet. If you’ve just tuned in I strongly recommend you read Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind by C.D.B. Bryan. This is a book containing transcripts of sessions Read More …
Meaning of Life
[showmyads] Why are we here? What is our purpose? What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything? Is it 42? Actually I know why we’re here. It came to me last week and was quickly reinforced within minutes by something I read and then two news stories, as though someone wanted to not only get my attention, but make sure I wrote about it! We are here to joyously create joy through our joyful creations. That’s it! Now expand on that. How do you do that? It would Read More …
Time Travel and Past Lives
[showmyads] Past life regression allows us to visit either past lives that we’ve had or past lives that have been overlaid onto our spiritual being to give us information that will enable us to live out this life. Past lives also allow us to see some progression, from many lives in the past to this one and how the lives in the past affect our life in the present. According to many past life regressionists, a lot of us have been around for millions of years and have experienced all Read More …
Law of Attraction Group
[showmyads] Recently I had the pleasure of meeting people in a Law of Attraction group in Sydney. The group meets monthly and exchanges ideas on how to make the Law of Attraction work for them. We had a great discussion. From one attendee I learnt that to improve my meditation skills I should really focus on breathing first. It certainly helped. From another attendee I learnt that his skills with the Law of Attraction meant that he was able to attract particular playing cards into his life. This may not Read More …
Parallel Worlds Examples
[showmyads] Please read the previous parallel worlds blog post before this one. Story 1. When I was 7 my father built a fence around a new above-ground swimming pool in our backyard. The fence was wood and by local council standards at the time we had to install an automatically locking swimming pool door for safety. (So that if kids wandered in off the street they couldn’t accidentally open the door, walk into the pool area and drown while the area was unattended) When it was ready, dad created a Read More …
Parallel Worlds
[showmyads] In The Convoluted Universe by Dolores Cannon a higher level energy communicated that parallel worlds are so common that they regularly intersect with normal space/time on daily basis. The entity goes on further explaining that we are passing through parallel worlds all the time without even realising it. One day there would suddenly be a fully grown tree on the side of the road we’re passing and the next day it would be completely gone again. As we wouldn’t notice that change, concerned with our own lives, we wouldn’t Read More …
Welcome to the Akashic Fields Blog
[showmyads] This blog will explore a wide variety of esoteric concepts. The only limit is that nothing discussed here will be considered normal, mundane or everyday. I’ve always loved reading about complicated, convoluted subjects and the paradigm shift happening on Earth now means that people are starting to express similar interests. Welcome! In these pages I hope to discuss parallel worlds, interdimensionality, time travel, telepathy, telekinesis, transpersonalisation, astral travel, rewriting dna, past civilisations and more. I’d be interested to read your thoughts and comments. This post: The Akashic Records From Read More …