Parallel Worlds


In The Convoluted Universe by Dolores Cannon a higher level energy communicated that parallel worlds are so common that they regularly intersect with normal space/time on daily basis. The entity goes on further explaining that we are passing through parallel worlds all the time without even realising it. One day there would suddenly be a fully grown tree on the side of the road we’re passing and the next day it would be completely gone again. As we wouldn’t notice that change, concerned with our own lives, we wouldn’t know we’d been in a parallel world.

Unfortunately I’m a lot more observant than that and I notice these things quite regularly. Only yesterday I realised I was in a parallel world when I went to the shops under Myer and found the salad bar (bolted to the floor) had moved back about a foot from the stairs. This happened a few years ago as well which is why I noticed it again. It’s been there for years but occasionally it moves slightly, depending on which universe I happen to be in at the time.

I’m back to my usual path again, but yesterday was actually a bit of a nightmare. Keys not where I left them. Money said to be paid for a bill that I don’t remember receiving. Meeting planned for this Tuesday when I knew it was for the next. People not remembering I told them something when I know I had. That sort of thing. It didn’t help that the paint on one of the shops where I live was suddenly bright yellow. (It’s back to being a dull yellow today.) Originally I put it down to people from the future messing about with the past or people now manifesting something in the past to change their lives in the present, and changing time as a result. But knowing this parallel universe problem is common has annoyed me no end. It means I can now never rely on my memory or my records 100% because the chances are my other selves will be recording slightly different records!

I’ve spoken with a few other people who have also recognised this phenomena. They refer to it as bleed-through or shifting. Have you been noticeably affected by it? I’d be interested to read your stories.

Okay, if this is your first encounter with this kind of information, you may wish to read Dolores Book. In the next post I’ll talk about my parallel worlds experience as a child.

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