Animal Imprinting and Instincts

Having had a cat about 15 years ago, one of the things I noticed was that the behavior of cats is almost identical. They all lick themselves clean put their ears back when they’re annoyed, pounce a certain way – and if you have kittens, they all follow you around the room in exactly the same way like mentally linked clones. In fact, cat lovers will be able to predict exactly what their cat will do next depending on what situation they are put in.

Past life regressions have revealed that, for spirits who are coming to Earth for the first time, other people’s lives are imprinted on the subconscious so that things are a bit easier for them when they get here. As many past lives have also been revealed to be dolphins, whales, elephants, bugs, spiders, flies and dogs, to name a few, do you think consciousnesses that plan to be incarnated as animals have past lives of animals imprinted on their subconscious?

It would explain why just about every animal has basic behavioural characteristics. When sheep all jump into a ravine or when lemmings jump off cliffs or when birds can build nests without actually seeing any other bird build a nest, you’ve got to think that instinct is probably not the most convincing explanation to explain this behaviour.

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