Rules of Death Have Changed – Sudden Adult Deaths

One of the interesting things that is happening in the world in 2012, along with everyone suddenly able to begin to see auras, is that spirits are choosing to leave the body in ways that are different to what 3D reality expects. Standard reality expects that there would be a cause and effect for a death. Car accident = death, cancer = death. But what has been happening this year in increasing frequency is that death has been occurring to people who didn’t actually have a cause of death until after they’d died. Well, if you can see it. Coroners can’t prove it. CCTV footage can’t show it. There’s no explanation for it. It’s not a rational thing.

There was a case recently of a girl who walked in front of a train with her headphones on. Now this does happen at crossings occasionally but the interesting thing about this is that her friends were nearby yelling and screaming at her to get out of the way but she didn’t hear them with her headphones on and, more importantly, she didn’t see them with her eyes. How could this happen? The spirit had already left and the body was just going through the motions.

What’s happening is that spirits are choosing to leave after experiencing third density, knowing that we’re heading to full fourth density this year and want to quickly come back as a 4D baby somewhere and somewhen else, without bothering with the whole ascension process and raising vibrational levels.

So, what’s really happening? Well, essentially, you are like a car. Your higher mind is in the driver’s seat and you are merely the engine, being fed directions and ideas with the occasional oil and gas to keep you going. But the spirit/higher mind/soul has driven you into 2012 where reality is changing and if it wants to park you and leave it now doesn’t need to worry about following the 3D rules of death. It can just leave you, the vehicle, at any time for no reason. Well, the reason is that all lessons are completed and you’ve lived your life. No reason means no reason for the death. Someone could be walking along the road or having a coffee and suddenly die with no apparent cause. These ‘no apparent cause of death’ are now becoming more common.

Actually they started being noticed several years ago in Europe. You can find out more about them here. Called Sudden Adult Deaths they’re very similar to Sudden Infant Deaths in that doctors can’t work out why they died, though some theories suggest ‘electrical abnormalities’ Hmm, something to do with vibrational frequency perhaps?

The interesting thing now happening in 2012 is that some children just stop working. They’ll be right one minute and then just as quickly, collapse and die in seconds. In Africa the situation has begun to worry a lot of tribes in that the children’s souls just seem to disappear. They become like zombies, walking around with no life, before they collapse into a coma and die. For these kids it’s like the spirit jumped out of the car while it was still going down the highway and it was just a matter of time before the body ran out of energy and collapsed.

This is very disconcerting for many who know them but at least it isn’t a violent or dramatic death. If you look at statistics you’ll find violent and dramatic deaths have begun to drop world wide whereas health related or ‘unknown cause’ deaths have begun increasing. We’ve done every possible combination and permutation of violent or dramatic death and conveyed every lesson possible already. There isn’t really much more to do unless it is to send the same message to the same spirit who still hasn’t acted on the previous message. So now the deaths are just exits. For gamers it would be like playing a multiplayer game and your team member logs off. You see the character stop or disappear. That’s basically what some spirits are doing. Disconnecting themselves from this holographic reality, without worrying about a death scene.

Pretty cool, right? I’ve always been afraid of some kind of accident or painful situation leading to a lot of suffering and a painful death. If my time comes and my spirit decides it is time to just leave, hopefully he’ll choose the shutdown version!

What do you think?


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