Spiritual Discussion Groups

Recently I joined a group that discussed spiritual ideas. What I found interesting was the challenge I suddenly had to speak about what I believe in a public forum. Thankfully one of the other attendeesĀ facilitatedĀ things by asking direct questions to the group like “Do you believe in reincarnation?” which when just about everyone put their hands up meant everyone felt a bit more relaxed about what they were going to talk about.

Have you been challenged to talk about your spiritual beliefs and decided that you weren’t going to? What if it was someone close to you that you knew would reject you if you spoke about these ideas? Do you try anyway and risk losing them as a friend, do you try anyway and hope that they’ll accept you as you are, do you try anyway with the possibility you might find they’re just as interested as you but couldn’t talk about it either, do you try anyway in case you might be able to convert them to your way of thinking, or do you not try?

We need more forums for spiritual discussion as many people believe the same things but not many want to discuss it in the real world.

If you have a local spiritual discussion group that needs more members, feel free to post details of it in the comments at the bottom of this post. You’d be surprised at the amount of traffic this site gets for a particular post, months after the post has been made.

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One Reply to “Spiritual Discussion Groups”

  1. ICESS stands for the Interstellar Cultural Exchange Support Service.

    Our dual service is to a) help aliens who happened to have landed here and need some help in either assimilating or surviving, and b) help human beings accept the existence of extraterrestrials so that they don’t pass out from shock when one drops by their office for directions or decides to catch a movie or even drops by the local pub for a beer.

    We also consider ourselves to be in the unique position of being the only civilian human/alien exchange service. (We have members available for exchange.)

    There have been many instances in recent years of alien crash landings and people with little experience taking advantage of them.

    With centuries of evidence of regular landings and contact with extraterrestrials we know our work is cut out for us. We’re not here to debate the existence of extraterrestrials as there are already bones and dna evidence to prove they exist. What we want to do is promote the existence of extraterrestrials through our deeds, so that people will be ready for when ETs land.

    We’re also not here to look for UFOs. As far as we’re concerned there are many esteemed individuals doing this important work already. Our energies are focused on helping aliens when they land, either officially or unofficially.

    We can also help those who have recently encountered extraterrestrials or believe themselves to be experiencers and would either like further information or would just like to have someone to talk to who is going to believe them.

    At the moment there is only a group in Sydney. If you would like to start a group in your city, please register via our website. If you are in Sydney and would like to join the next meeting, register via our website and details of the next meeting will be emailed to you. Please note that ICESS is a relaxed, unofficial group with no government ties and our members usually meet up for a drink once a month just to update each other on the latest relevant news. Our current stage is building our network so that when the call does come for help we’ll be ready.

    We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.

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