Talk to Your Higher Self

When some hypnotherapists regress people and are able to access the subconscious, they find an entity that is far greater than the person who they met at the door to their consultancy. A common theme that these entities talk about is the need for permission to do something. The higher self cannot interfere in the conscious life of the individual without their permission and so it waits, trying to give hints or pushes in the right direction so that the conscious person can take the right track. The higher self is very much aware that this is a planet of free will and will not take that will away from anyone.

For many people, their guardian angel is actually themselves, giving them insights and instinctual reactions to situations that the conscious mind is not aware of.

The higher self or subconscious is watching while the conscious is awake or asleep and has the power to affect dramatic change within the mind and body of the individual.

The entities that come forth when a person is regressed say they can help the person to change their mind and body but all they need is for them to ask. It is desperate for the question or the permission and cannot do anything until it gets it.

So, if you are needing healing, or if you need help with something, say to yourself

“I give full and total permission for my subconscious / my higher self to help me in any way it sees fit. I give full and total permission for my subconscious / my higher self, to do what is necessary to make me healthy, happy and ready for the future.”

You only need to say this once, though for specific things you need to say those too. If you have a sore knee, ask your subconscious to get your body to work harder on repairing it.

In most cases the subconscious is just waiting for your permission and as soon as it has it it’ll start work on doing whatever it is that needs to be done. Expect changes in your life!

You must believe this for it to work. Belief is the catalyst. Feel it in your emotions. The subconscious is going to be so pleased with you you’ll feel it on the back of the neck, above the ears, around the back of the head and in the upper shoulders. If you’re not feeling goose bumps at the idea of being in contact with your subconscious and letting it work on you to evolve you, try and meditate on it for awhile. It’ll come to you.

I recently discovered this and was almost knocked over by a feeling of love that suddenly hit me when I gave full and total permission to my higher self to fix some of my problems.

Here’s what happened when I did this for the first time two days ago.

Pains I had had in the abdomen disappeared.

The back pain I usually got after sleeping for more than 5 hours disappeared.

The insomnia I’d been suffering from for years disappeared.

The pain I’d had in my right wrist which I’d put down to the beginnings of carpal tunnel syndrome disappeared.

My environment suddenly felt lighter and more energised than I had seen in awhile.

I’m definitely looking forward to finding out what else I’m going to experience over the next week.

What results did you get?

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