Palmistry and Neurology

One of the things I like to do in my city is meet like-minded individuals who can give me a different viewpoint or insight into something that I haven’t been thinking about for awhile. I recently had the chance to discuss palmistry and, not having looked at my palm closely for at least 10 years, was surprised to find it different to what I remember. Lines further apart than they used to be, for example.

I’m aware that the dominant or major hand (the one you’ll offer first if a chirologist asks you for your hand) contains everything you’ve done in your life so far and represents your consciousness, and the other hand or minor hand contains your dreams and wishes (your unconscious desires).

Now, how is that possible? Well, every thought you have is stored in your brain and your conscious and subconscious control your body. It’s pretty easy to believe that the lines on your hand are influenced by your neurological processes, your thoughts, just like people can feel physically sick from a thought without showing any outward injury.

So, want to change what your hands say about you? Change your thoughts. You can test this out. When you are next at a crossroads in your life like changing partners, moving, changing jobs, death in the family etc, photocopy your hands and put the copy in a folder somewhere. Wait 3 years then photocopy them again and compare the palms.

Interestingly, no one has done this yet! If you do, come back to this post in 3 years time and leave a comment about what you’ve observed. I’d be very interested to know what differences you’ve found. I’m confident you will find differences.

So, next time you wish to visit someone into chiromancy, instead of waiting for them to read to you what is on your hands and in your future, use your mind to write your hands first yourself. It’s a lot more empowering!

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