Dolores Cannon Past Life Regression

I recently had the pleasure of attending a Dolores Cannon Seminar in Sydney. Dolores talked about her new books and then took about 400 people into a mass past-life regression. Always fun to be part of something like that!

So, I have a new life to talk about in this blog. Here goes:

Beach sand. Aboriginal tribe living on the coast. I was a fisherman for the tribe. I made the boats and caught the fish. I sewed and created things like nets? Fishing lines? Something. Can remember tufts of grass growing out of the sand dunes. I had a curly, black beard to my chest, dark skinned, a young adult body at the beginning of the regression.

Rejoined my group after fishing and chatted for awhile around their fire before going to meet my girlfriend/wife. I lived under a rock arch, not quite a rock tunnel as it was quite small, but large enough to keep out the elements. Some rock paintings. There was a marriage ceremony. We were young, perhaps late teens.

Jump to my wife dying in childbirth. I remember the women of the tribe crying and carrying her away saying phrases in the local aboriginal language. I couldn’t go with her body and stayed with the men. I was distraught. I loved her so much. I didn’t marry again.

My boy survived and I raised him. Was very proud of him. It’s likely he took over my fishing duties. There was a corroboree/ceremony for my son. I was at his wedding ceremony for his wife but at this stage there was some bleed through of more western marriage trappings like confetti and white materials so not sure how accurate it was.

I died on rocks near the sea watching the water and missing my wife. Heart stopped and my wife reappeared in spirit and took me away, as we dissolved into energy and rejoined a group on the other side.

The whole experience took about 5 minutes but I was so amazed by it the feeling hung around with me for hours afterwards. I felt very, very upset when my wife died and can still feel the emotion from that even as I type this.

I learnt it was possible to live an idyllic life with nothing. I think that was the most amazing thing about it. Not the general life experience but the fact that the tribe was abundant and didn’t require anything further. There was really no need for anything else as we had all the food we needed to survive. Not sure where the drinking water came from as I didn’t get all the details. Probably a fresh water lake nearby. But as my current life has always been a struggle for money to survive to buy food and other trappings of the 20th/21st Century, to experience a life where none of that mattered was pretty amazing.

Interestingly, my higher self must have known I had had this life and that I was going to find out about it. For a few weeks before the Dolores Cannon talk I kept encountering aboriginal related things. Firstly, I tuned into the video of an opening ceremony for a space camp in Adelaide and found Aborigines playing didgeridoos. I then went through my boxed clothes to see if there is anything I could use this summer and found an aboriginal patterned shirt that I hadn’t looked at for years. I got on the train and a whole group of Redfern aborigines were there having a great discussion about their lives. (I felt very sorry for them as they obviously didn’t have the standard of living expected in the Sydney city area) I started reading the Daily Telegraph (as they had a special of a free dinosaur puzzle with every newspaper for 2 weeks which was great for my son) and a number of aboriginal related articles leaped out at me.

Now, this probably happens to me all the time. I’m sure, living in Australia, means that aborigine related stories happen hourly. It’s just that this month was the month where all these references suddenly became noticeable.

The big one was that synchronicity allowed me to attend a group-channeling at Adyar bookshop and I found that half the channeled entities were aboriginal elders.

Somehow, someone was trying to tell me something.

The problem is, I’m a bit negative about aboriginals. I’m really sorry about that and I’ve been fighting my prejudice continually, but the Redfern aborigines contain an element of negativity that has resulted in a number of people being beaten and robbed/mugged. So, because this has also happened to a close friend I’m automatically on guard around anyone faintly aboriginal.

So, to find that the channeled entities were aboriginal was a bit of a surprise and to find I had a very emotional past life as an aboriginal was a shock but that’s nothing compared to the fact that I finally got to see what one of my guides looked like. He looks aboriginal. No wonder he didn’t want to reveal himself before now. I’ve been trying to see him for months! I guess he knew I wasn’t ready.

Obviously I still have some beliefs to work through to help raise my vibrational level and would appreciate some help. If there are any aborigines reading this that live in Sydney city, I’d love to have a chat over a coffee or a beer if you’re available and interested in meeting a white guy who looks a bit Irish!

Incidentally, I’m supposed to have had an aboriginal grandmother in the early 19th century according to my family tree so perhaps it all stems from that, though I have no noticeably physical traits that would indicate this.

Peace and Light.


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