First Attempt at Automatic Writing

I’ve decided to channel but the first step I’ve read is to try and do automatic writing.

Procedure Summary: meditate, ask for a higher guide to help you, then start scribbling with your hand. Start with circles then ask a simple question and make up the answer. When you intend to make up the answer you make a connection to your imagination which is also the conduit for your higher mind and your guides, so they ride the imagination in and add to what you’re writing.

So, I wrote this out in some pretty crazy looking handwriting and here is what I got back.

I asked: What is ascension? (standard question to ask when automatic writing to see if any high level guides are listing) and What of the future for Australia?

The answers I got:


Ascension is not what people say it is. Do not believe it. It is not what you think. From your science fiction series’ ascension seems like turning to light instantly or becoming a god. You are already a god. You do not need to go through a process to become one. Experience is the key. Experience life as a human and be the best human you can be. Enjoy the experience then go to the next life, but all lives are happening at the same time so you don’t really need to be focusing on the next one and the next. Just enjoy the experience.

Energies will continue to pour into the Earth Gaia. She will continue her expansion on many levels. She will have some surprises for everyone this year. It’ll be very exciting.

Australia will suffer least of all the countries of the world. It is a nexus point, a quiet patch. Calming energies continue to wash over Australia. It is not the only reason why there is an attraction for this country. There are many vortices, many tribal elders, many aboriginal groups that are there to take care of that side of Gaia. They are required to balance energies.


That took about half an hour of complete quiet with no interruptions. Not sure when I can do that again. Hope you found it interesting.


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