Raising the Dead. A How-To Guide.

Of course I’m not suggesting you go to the nearest cemetery and do this. Nor am I suggesting it will work at all. But people have been brought back from the dead by an uncountable number of ways that defy science so I thought I’d add my take on the matter. After all, if you’ve tried everything else, there’s really nothing to lose.

For those of you who’ve just tuned in, you first need to understand how the universe really works.

Basically every belief system, every tool, every superstition is just a way of you finding a connection with your higher self or higher mind. I won’t go into details here but your higher self, your soul which is far greater than your body, is watching over you and guiding you through your life. It’s protecting you where possible and bringing you things you need when you need them. (I’m not talking about God – that’s a different topic)

Remember that time when you were deeply in debt and weren’t sure how to pay the rent and suddenly money miraculously / impossibly appeared? That’s your higher self at work.

The higher self is always watching and always helping. But we have the freedom to deny that help, which we do regularly and constantly. Thankfully the higher self never gives up on us ever, and continues to allow us to choose. When we finally do choose the higher self works hard to give us what we need.

The higher self is actually outside our linear existence. It comprehends infinite parallel universes and is eternal. The higher self has the ability to switch us between almost identical parallel worlds. We’re moving through parallel worlds all the time but we don’t notice it as the differences aren’t that pronounced. What can happen though is that if you believe you are going to get something, your higher self will begin work moving all these paths through parallel worlds into alignment so that you arrive at the place where the thing you want is there.

The thing already exists in one of the infinite number of parallel realities we move through every day, we just need to find the path to it.

So, knowing that, you now know how to raise the dead!

How-To Guide:

1. Get in contact with your higher self. Either through meditation, channeling, using your imagination or even calling on a channeller or psychic medium who can put you in touch with yourself.

2. Concentrate, visualise, with emotion, what you want. The universes will form a path to it for you.

3. When synchronicity in your life becomes second nature and all the good things in all the parallel worlds continue to come to you, if someone was to die near you, you could bring him/her back. In many of those parallel worlds he/she doesn’t die. They never even had whatever the problem or accident was. By pulling yourself into that world, you will see them live. It will be a close call but if you have the will and belief, it will happen.

Simple, right?

Now, of course, I’d expect most of this is a bit hard to take. After all, people die daily from horrendous injuries and horrible diseases. But then, a common example, but a different perspective, is actually in the Christian bible. You find that groups of people praying over someone dying have been able to bring them back. This happens all the time in churchs today. You can meet religious leaders who’ve brought people back from the brink of death against all known science.

Why is this? Because science only records what is statistically possible. You’ve heard the expression “the Doctor said he had 6 months to live and 6 years later he’s still going” this is actually so common it’s a cliche. It shows how doctors rely on statistics and mathematics without really considering anything else. eg: Growth rate and spread of cancer cells plus age equals death day based on previous records of humans with cancer. Zap with radiation reduces growth rate by x amount, extending death day based on previous records of humans with cancer. You’ll die on this day because 1000 other people died with these statistics. Not a very reliable way of informing a patient, but we have nothing else.

Statistics never consider the individual. Reject the belief that someone is going to die and instead work on believing they’re going to live, and doing everything in your power to help them to live. Get friends and others together to help them too. Believe they will live and your higher mind will move you through the parallel worlds to find a world where the person lives. From your perspective they do.

So, in a sense, no one really raises the dead. We just travel to a parallel world where they didn’t die.

Have you got any stories of people who should have died, and survived against all odds?

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