Synchronous Meetings

Have you created a synchronous life yet? A life full of coincidence? That is one of the goals of a metaphysical existence.

Not only do we remove any meaning from the idea of value on a material possession, we must also remove any meaning from situations that surround us and then follow this with removing any meaning from our relationships besides unconditional love.

Remember, everything we view in the world is through filters that we’ve created. We decide what is right and wrong based on learning from others what is right and wrong. Actually, everything is just atoms so there is no inherent meaning in anything.

A metaphysical life means not being affected by anything in a negative or positive way. This means that nothing external should change you internally. You should have a simple ‘on’ switch of unconditional love 24/7. It’s possible only 13 people in 7 billion have achieved this state so don’t feel bad if you haven’t reached it yet. We all have our own paths to follow.

To clarify. When you are with the person you love, do you feel great? And then when you are away from them, do you feel lonely, depressed, down in some way? Then you have not been able to remove yourself from external influences.

When you are with your friends do you feel happier than when you are by yourself? Then you have not been able to remove yourself from external influences.

Do you feel better after reading a great book or being occupied with your work then down again when you’re not doing that? Then you have not been able to remove yourself from external influences.

Happiness is from within. Joy is from within. Unconditional love is from within. You do not require an external source for you to create this within you. No chocolate, no movies, no parties, no objects or pets or relationships are required. Your happiness comes from within.

So, now that we have that out of the way, here is a conversation I had with my friend recently. Through this conversation you’ll understand where I am coming from.

Friend. “You’ve deleted yourself from Facebook, Twitter and now you’re getting rid of your mobiles. How will I be able to contact you? It’s really important that I’m able to see you. You won’t leave me will you? I don’t want to think our friendship of 12 years means nothing to you.”

Me. “If the universe decides it is important for us to meet, then we will. If it decides it is not, then it won’t.

Friend. “Oh come on. That is too wild, even for me. There’s no way I can accept that.

Me. “Try it out. Think about it. It’s more likely to happen if I’m not contactable. This is how we should be. It’s nothing personal. People should simply meet other people for a mutual, universe decided reason in unconditional love, and then continue on their way when that is complete. If it is necessary for these people to meet again then, ‘coincidentally’ they will, for an additional reason. And then when that reason is complete they might meet again for another reason. But there is no need to make a specific time and day to always see a particular person. That means one is dependent on the other and is restrictive to one or both people in that situation in that they’re unable to expand.

Friend. “Right. Well. Have it your way then. I’m sure you’ll contact me again.”

Two weeks later I am walking through a train station I rarely go through when suddenly my friend yells out my name. I go over to him smiling. He suddenly remembers our conversation and says “OH NO!”

I laugh and say “Told you!”

We catch up and I then remind him that if it is important for us to meet again the universe will make sure it happens. He nods, realising that this is something that is possible and decides to look forward to our next ‘coincidental’ meeting.

Have you started living a synchronous life yet? Have you started allowing the universe to plan your meetings rather than you trying to make them happen? Let me know in the comments below.

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