Various initial hypnosis techniques

I wasn’t sure how to title this. What do you call one of the early stages of a hypnosis session where the hypnotherapist asks you to do something that then leads to something else? I’m sure there’s a word for it.

In any case I’ve been researching this.

After you have relaxed all your muscles, surrounded yourself in a bright light and are concentrating on your breathing, and the hypnotist knows you’re close to being under, they’ll then ask you to do something.

Dolores Cannon’s technique, which she has taught many hypnotherapists around the world, is to ask you to visualise that you are floating on a white fluffy cloud. When a hypnotherapist tried that on me, all I could think of was that condensed evaporated water would not able to support my weight! So couldn’t quite get past that. Then the hypnotherapist said “Think of somewhere beautiful” well, that was useless to me as I can’t really think of a place as being beautiful. Many people are beautiful but places tend to be either too hot or too cold or full of insects so, I was stuck again. She then asked me to come off the cloud and float down into that beautiful place, while I was still struggling with the whole cloud idea.

Needless to say, that didn’t work for me.

I read that Dolores’ technique for people with busy minds like mine is to ask them to imagine they’re in a lift slowly going down, watching the numbers decrease. When the door opens at the bottom you should be in a past life. Tried that on myself. No good for me as I was waiting for my ears to pop. Also, I’m not so good with numbers so visualising lift numbers from 200 going backwards was far too stressful!

So I’ve been looking at other hypnotists techniques. I checked out some that were self-hypnosis videos available for viewing for free online. I had to find one that worked for me so that when I spend $ again with a professional hypnotherapist I’ll get my money’s worth!

One hypnotist used a train analogy where you have your own compartment and see the train leaving the station and coming into the station. Trains are where I sleep. I sleep on the way to work quite often, so I was asleep pretty quickly. So, that was no good.

Tunnels didn’t work either as my eyesight is fantastic so it seemed a waste of time to walk along this dark tunnel to the end when I could already see the end!

Then I discovered one where the hypnotist asked me to walk down a long staircase. Within seconds of him saying that and me visualising a long, winding, stone staircase, I looked down at my feet in the trance and found I was suddenly wearing Roman sandals. Success! Unfortunately the video continued to try and take me to a beautiful garden. Um, I like cement, bricks, stones and metal. Not a plant person, sorry. And in the trance I was in a mainly brick, stone, cement area with an iron gate. So, had to ignore the whole hypnosis video and try and focus on what was already happening. I’ll go into some detail about my past life in the next post.
Update July 2013
I tried to find the video recently that worked for me but it had been removed, unfortunately, so I’ve created one based on a variety of past-life regression hypnotherapists techniques with a leaning towards Dolores Cannon’s somnambulistic techniques. You can find it on my ASMR channel here:
You can find out more about Dolores Cannon’s hypnotherapy work here:
Convoluted Universe Book 4


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