5th Dimensional Earth

The biggest thing taking metaphysical and spiritual research by storm at the moment is the possibility of one of the probable future Earths moving into a higher dimension.

A number of books and seminars have been held on this subject and the timeframe for this has been speculated as being sometime between 2012 and 2024. Popular thought based on the Mayan calendar suggest 2012 as indicating a spiritual awakening and possible mass ascension, but the Mayans didn’t disappear overnight as there is plenty of archaeological evidence to suggest that, like most civilisations after a time, they simply collapsed. There are plenty of people today who decended from Mayans still in the area. Also, the Mayan calendar is just a calendar, just like our calendar ends on December 31st, theirs is just a bit longer and starts again.

So I’m putting my money on 2024. As 2024 is such a long time away, it isn’t capturing the public’s imagination as much as 2012 which is only next year, but it’s going to take a lot more changes before the Earth reaches a point where it can move to the next level, and I doubt we’re ready yet.

So, with that bit of background, what is going to happen in 2024?

Here’s a summary.

Souls from all over the universe have been coming to Earth for this event, being born, merging or taking over humans so that energy is in the right place for the change. This has been happening in waves since the 70s. These souls are of the higher dimensions. The lower dimensions (but still higher than ours), Aliens and UFOs as well as more advanced humans on Earth are also preparing the way. Simply by informing the subconscious of people, adjusting the energies that are near them and influencing their bodies so that they can adapt, these people are making humans ready.

The recent reveal of hundreds of UFOS all over the Earth in October 2010 was another way of informing the population. If you missed this just look up news reports from New York or the report of a closure of an airport in China due to UFOs!

A time of chaos is coming when belief systems and the normal way people believe the world works will be challenged and those that are not prepared for these changes will need help from those who are.

By reading this post you are preparing yourself for this change. If the change happens to you, you can say, “oh, I read about it in a post in 2011. There are people that know about this and it’ll be alright.” Then you can relax and tell others things will be okay. But if you hadn’t read anything even remotely related then the change would seem like a complete nightmare and you would go back to your cave man type mentality of kill or be killed to survive. Some people will just die from the shock of it but their souls will be reborn somewhere else. Best to be one of the ones that calmly move to the higher path.

Our vibrational level is slowly changing as we prepare for the next advancement of the human race. This means a number of things. DNA strands becoming more complicated, dormant DNA being activated, less of a reliance on food, an increasing connection to the Source, increasing ability to meditate, increasing understanding of metaphysics, an increase in more epiphanies, sudden insights and ideas, and an increase in love in more parts of the world.

Alien check ups are speeding this up a bit by doing their best to remove disease and obstructions from the body. They’re also doing their best to help people live longer so that they’ll make it to the transitional stage. Healers are also finding that things are easier to do and people are being healed faster using healing energy than before. Even past-life regressions are healing people more often than not.

So, if all goes according to a plan laid down millions of years ago, in about 14 years time, a parallel Earth will be fully accessible to everyone who made the choice. It will be almost identical to our Earth but would be at a vibrationally higher level. For those who are ready, they will instantly be there. For those who aren’t or who reject this possibility, they’ll remain on the old Earth. It’s believed that if you wish to consciously make the sacrifice of staying on the Old Earth to help, you won’t be able to if you are already aware. Only those that are not aware will remain, apart from those higher beings that are already scheduled to be there.

For the sake of understanding, the Earth we are on now is Old Earth and the Earth that we hope to move to is New Earth. Also, this New Earth already exists and is being made ready now. Some people have already described visiting it and that it is more beautiful than anything they’ve seen before.

The difficulty is the parallel worlds problem. When Earth progresses to the next stage and leaves behind a probability – Old Earth – it follows that we need to do the same. We still have to exist in all choices for the multiverse to exist. So our focus, if we are aware, will remain with the new Earth. Those of us who did not focus would stay on the Old Earth. But we’ll also have a version or aspect or alternative of ourselves remaining with the Old Earth. That means all of us will have aspects of us in both places in alternate timelines but not actually connected.

Moving into a New Earth will still mean an aspect of us will remain with the Old Earth, but the Old Earth is dead, so our aspect in that potential future will also be dead. To the people who have not heard of the New Earth and are not in the position to move to it, they will see our alternate aspect either disappear or die within a few days. There will still be some who have aspects that remain to carry on helping the souls move on to new worlds when they die as, when the transition is complete, the Old Earth will explode and the potential futures likely to be created by the Old Earth will stop there. The New Earth and its potential futures will then continue from that point.

I hope you’re able to get your head around that. If you can, you’ll be on the New Earth. If it makes no sense and looks like the ramblings of a drunk, you’ll stay on the Old Earth.

So, what’s going to happen to the Old Earth? There are a number of potentialities depending on what humanity focuses on over the next few years. Remember, we bring about our own environment. We create everything that happens to us. So if we collectively believe that the Earth is heading towards a global warming disaster, that the weather changes will activate a polar shift, then that is what is most likely to happen.

Unfortunately the governments of the world need to control us with fear. This is the best way to run a calm society because fearless people disobey rules. Fear helps the population to rethink what it is going to do en masse. The problem is that this fear can get out of control and result in riots and wars. So if the fear for global warming is not enough to cause the shift, then the fear of wars may bring about a 3rd world war. If that doesn’t work the fear of disease will bring about an epidemic. If that doesn’t work the fear of alien invasion will result in negative aliens invading and wiping out half the population. The potential for all these possibilities are here and all these possibilities will exist in all probable futures of the Old Earth, depending on which Old Earth you are focusing on. If you believe that the transition will go well, everyone will love each other, all wars will end and we’ll all progress to our new peaceful existence on the New Earth, then that is what will happen for you. In that wonderful scenario the Old Earth will be so inline with the New Earth that the timeline will simply continue and the Old Earth will fade into the New One.

Which future would you like to happen?

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