Timelines, shifting between parallel Earths, perceptions of reality.

I read a comment recently on Youtube where a poster wanted the answer to the question that was something like “When I shift to another reality that I prefer, don’t I knock out the other me that’s there? Or do we merge or what?”

I answered it briefly but with a maximum amount of characters on youtube, it wasn’t a complete explanation, so I’ll do that here.

Firstly, we are shifting between parallel realities, parallel Earth’s, alternate realities, whatever you’d like to call them, at a rate of hundreds of trillions a second. Actually, we don’t have a number for it so look up a ‘planck length’ of a second, find out how many of those are in a second and you’ll have an idea how many universes you’re ascending through.

The interesting thing about all these universes is that none of them have what we think of as a timeline. They’re static, frozen, unmoving realities. If you were to stop in one you would just stop. Nothing would be moving. Some people have experienced this and thought that time had stopped. Actually, you’d just stopped in one of the universes before continuing you’re ascension through them. (Well, to be more accurate, you’d slowed down your rate of ascension so that it looked like you’d stopped but you were probably still passing through them at a much slower rate)

So, not only are there all these universes that we’re passing through giving us the illusion of movement, but there are all the alternative versions of them too. An infinite number of them.

Now all this means that these alternate realities are merely perceptions that we can tune into. We can follow any of the paths available and we navigate with our emotional state. As they’re all frozen we’re only there for a planck length of a second, and as there are an infinite number of them it’s impossible for one of our alternate selves, one of our probable selves, and even one of our more advanced selves to jump into a point in the universe when we’re there at the same time. They might arrive and leave a planck length of a second later but never at the same planck of a second!

So, no set timelines, no pasts, no futures, you’re just travelling around all these alternate realities that exist now and choosing ones that are similar to make it look like your enjoying a timeline, but you’re not.

How does this change your perspective on reality? 🙂


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