Law of Attraction Group

Recently I had the pleasure of meeting people in a Law of Attraction group in Sydney. The group meets monthly and exchanges ideas on how to make the Law of Attraction work for them.

We had a great discussion. From one attendee I learnt that to improve my meditation skills I should really focus on breathing first. It certainly helped. From another attendee I learnt that his skills with the Law of Attraction meant that he was able to attract particular playing cards into his life. This may not seem important when most people want to attract millions of dollars but I see it as a step in empowerment. If you could focus on a particular playing card and it suddenly appears on the street in front of you, it proves to you the law exists. Always good for reinforcing the conscious mind and helping move to the next level.

We discussed changing our lives to attract more abundance and I told them that change is very important. One attendee mentioned that his Law of Attraction practices hadn’t worked much in the past two years and we found that he hadn’t changed much about his life in the past two years either. Change is definitely important. Afterall, if you’re not getting what you want but you’re still doing the same thing, do you think you will get what you want? The great news is that he had realised this and had already started working on a new business, so I’m sure that will bring him new opportunities and more abundance in his life.

So, what is the Law of Attraction? Actually, this has been given a number of different names in recent years like Cosmic Ordering or The Secret but it was actually reported as far back as Sumerian times and certainly features many times in the bible. You’ll also find the Law of Attraction in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich book.

Jerry and Esther Hicks through channeling a divine group consciousness going by the name of Abraham released a very comprehensive book awhile ago entitled Ask and It Is Given – Learning to Manifest Your Desires.

This title became quite popular and the original release of the movie The Secret featured Esther Hicks including some of the advice from this book.

In summary, from many different sources around the world and across time, The Law of Attraction is basically 3 steps.

1. Ask for it and do so emotionally and with conviction that you deserve it.

2. Visualise you have it in the here and now and stay happy knowing that it will happen, as the universe has already prepared it for you.

3. Allow it to appear in your life by always having positive thoughts and focusing on its existence 24/7.

So, basically, if you want to have a parking space, for example, ask for it, imagine that there will be a parking space where you need it, concentrate on that thought, and when you arrive at the shopping centre your parking space will be either waiting for you or a car will pull out seconds before you arrive so that you can have it.

This also works for coffee. Imagine you would like someone to buy you a coffee. Simply visualise that someone is going to buy you a coffee, believe it will happen, and it will.

Now you might think that sounds absolutely absurd, especially if logic and reason has always been your path. But take into account many Law of Attraction practitioners who have many stories to tell that prove to them that this works, then try it out for yourself. Try something simple like getting someone to buy you a coffee or getting a seat on the train where you want it, then leave your comments below.

A lot of people who read about this believe that it is a very selfish way to look at the world. The thought is that if you’re always thinking of yourself then there won’t be anything for anyone else. The Law of Attraction states there is plenty for everyone else and, unless you take care of yourself first, how can you take care of other people to the best of your ability? Rich people work really hard to build huge businesses and so their rich lifestyle can look selfish to people who have nothing, but rich people create these businesses which actually employ people, giving other potentially poor people a better life. Look at how many people Bill Gates company Microsoft has given work to. If Microsoft didn’t exist, that’s at least 150,000 people without a job! That’s not counting the millions of people worldwide who run Microsoft software to run their own businesses and employ more people. And now Bill has started, in conjunction with other rich people, a foundation that supports health and education around the world. Through his company and the hard work performed by his 150,000 employees, he was able to donate over $50 billion to this foundation, along with other rich people around the world. I’m sure there are similiar stories with Apple and its Ipad or General Motors with its cars but the point here is, if Bill hadn’t focused on his desires and vision in the first place in the late 70s, this situation wouldn’t exist today and we’d be a whole lot poorer as a result. So go out and follow your vision, your dreams and, when you’re in the position to help people, definitely pay it forward.

If you’re happy to stay small, that’s great. You can still help people by helping yourself first. As a line in the bible says, “remove the log out of your own eye before trying to remove the speck out of someone else’s eye” or more contemporarily – on airplanes – , “please place the oxygen mask on your own face first before helping your child”

Do what fits your present circumstances so that you can move to the next step. The main position you should be in at the end of your journey is helping other people in some way. If you’re suffering now, helping others is the last thing on your mind so work hard to get yourself out of the position you’re currently in and you’ll then feel in a better position to help others. That is the end goal of all humanity.

If you’d like to read more about the Law of Attraction you can visit my other blog which features many of my past stories involving Laws of Attraction experiences. I use it to reinforce my belief in it’s existence and when something happens that I consider to be a Law of Attraction event, I post it there. You can find it here:

Laws of Attraction Blog

More next time.

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