The Key to Unlocking the Secret of the Law of Attraction

I’ve finally found it. The missing link. The key. The secret to getting the law of attraction working properly!

If you’re familiar with the Law of Attraction or cosmic ordering, you probably grapple with the idea of saying something in the present tense when logically it is something you are ordering so it is being sent to you.

The struggle I had was how do I say ‘thank you for your wonderful gift’ when it hasn’t actually arrived. It is too much of a conflict for my psyche so the manifestation doesn’t occur.

But then I found a very interesting piece of information that had been there forever but I had just not recognised.

Everything exists. Everything that can be thought of already exists. Everything exists in alternate realities and there is no time. All things exist now. All past and future lives exist now.

So, the key is, if everything already exists and it is just a case of shifting to the parallel reality where the thing exists, then using the present tense is accurate. You already have what you want. In fact, it’s already there, right next to you, but in another reality. So, of course you can say thank you for it as it already exists. And by saying thank you, being grateful for it, being passionate about having it and actually feeling it in your reality, you can change your vibration to shift into the reality where it already exists.

This has always been my challenge. Now that I know that it is to do with time and not tense I can easily be grateful for something that may not be visually in front of me but certainly exists somewhere.

If you’re still struggling, imagine this. The universe knows what you want before you know what you want. So even when you’re about to ask for something you should already be thanking the universe for it because it manifested it in one of the infinite number of realities before you even thought about it. It has already appeared for you. By being grateful and thanking the universe for it, it will become visible.

Go and test this and report back. I already have and it’s working for me!


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