Qi Gong Qigong

Qi Gong (aka Ch’i Kung or Qigong) is another energy healing discipline. Using a combination of breathing techniques and meditation, Qi Gong is able to help circulate your life energy. It also purifies and strengthens your life energy.

Where people get confused is they search for Qi Gong in much the same way they search for Reiki – to get some energy to heal themselves. Actually Qi Gong has several different categories.

If you need to find a Qi Gong practitioner who can use the energy of the universe to channel it through you and heal you, then actually you need to look for Wai Qi Zhi Liao which is External Qi Healing. Qi is your life energy and if your Qi is low or being blocked in some way, and you don’t want to do the Yi Gong yourself (Internal Qi Healing) you need to find a Wai Qi Zhi Liao practitioner.

As Qigong healing came 3000 years before hands on healing and 5000 years before Reiki, it would probably be my first choice if choosing an energy healing system. It’s also the more popular choice in the east.

Which would you choose and why?

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