Everything has consciousness. Keep an attitude of gratitude.

Did you know that the post you’re reading right now has consciousness? It’s a very tiny awareness but, just like you’re aware in your vehicle of a body, looking past your nose out through your eyes and looking down at your hand on the mouse, the letters on the screen are aware they’re letters, the screen is aware it’s a screen and the electricity that is running everything is aware it is electricity running everything.

Obviously, all these things are limited by the vehicles they’re inhabiting. A letter can only ever be a letter but each time I create a new letter on the screen I’m creating a new outlet for a microscopic piece of consciousness.

Now, if you know that everything is aware, even if the tiny things that are aware may not be able to make sense of what it exists for, do you think you’ll have a greater appreciation for everything around you?

Do you remember that if you keep an attitude of gratitude, abundance and well-being will be yours? Well, how much easier would it be if you knew absolutely everything, from cells in the body to entire galaxies had awareness, consciousness?

I am happy and grateful that my keyboard allows me to type this message today.

I am happy and grateful that my wonderful screen is so clear and crisp that I’m able to see the words I type today.

I am happy and grateful that the people who run the electric power company continue to keep things running smoothly so that my computer and internet connection can work and I can type this post.

I’m happy and grateful for the existence of the electrical energy that allows me to be able to think about creating this blog in the first place.

I’m happy and grateful for the sturdy table that my computer rests on allowing me to share my thoughts easily and comfortably.

See how easy it is to get into an attitude of gratitude?

What are you grateful for today?

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