Positive and Negative Energy. Where does it go?

What is negative energy? Negative energy is anything that makes you feel less than joyful! It’s as simple as that. If you are happy and something happens to make you feel less happy, you’ve encountered negative energy. You’ll get negative energy from being around negative people, from observing something that results in you feeling down or depressed, or even watching a tragedy, horror or drama that affects your emotions.

The problem we have is that it is believed to be extremely selfish to deliberately avoid negative situations. You cannot just say ‘oh, all those people who died in the tsunami, I can’t think about it’ or ‘I’m not going to think about the world trade centre disaster or the people who were affected because that is negative’ Our culture and the negativity of the planet pull us into always thinking about negative things like that. Watching the news is another situation that brings negative energy. Even listening to someone complaining about their problems creates negative energy.

Rather than running and hiding from negative energy, or making it greater by taking it into yourself, you face the negative energy with positive energy. At a funeral you bring beautiful flowers and try and lighten the peoples hearts during the wake by remembering the good things about the person who died. You go to the negative places and bring with you positive energy. Monks are respected by many cultures because they bring a positiveness to the area they inhabit. Their positive outlook brings more positive energy to the area. Like attracts like in the law of attraction.

Mother Theresa is a great example of this. She brought positive energy to anyone she needed to care for even though they were affected by negative energy. She went to the worst suffering and terrible places of the world and brought people joy.

So, to reiterate, don’t let the negative energy take you over. Don’t bring the negativeness of the situation into yourself. Instead, pour out your positive energy. Give your positive energy to those affected by negative energy if you can. It can be hard to start to do this, but once you’ve started, you’ll attract more positive energy to yourself which you can then use to help those suffering from the negativeness of their lives.

Now, the big question is, if positive energy attracts positive energy, and negative energy attracts negative energy, what happens when you can push away the negative energy?

Unfortunately, the planet is covered in negative and hot spots. There are workers working on dissipating negative energy and reinforcing and spreading positive energy but it’ll always collect in these hot areas. This is where the negative energy goes. So, what we need to do is create more positive areas so that the negative energy can collect in just one place. Eventually the planet will clear out the negative energy either with an earthquake, a tsunami or even a volcanic eruption and all the negativity will be gone.

Imagine the Earth containing just positive energy. Wouldn’t that be wonderful! Let’s do that by 2024 and we can all go to the new Earth together.

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4 Replies to “Positive and Negative Energy. Where does it go?”

  1. Manus , again great blog. A couple of things:
    “Give your positive energy to those affected by negative energy if you can” I would suggest, before you can give away your positive energy, you have obtain a certain level of energy (people can not give away something they don’t have) and also know how to re-energise yourself – otherwise you could be in a bit of trouble.
    Point 2.
    “Earth containing just positive energy. Wouldn’t that be wonderful! Let’s do that by 2024 ” – nice thought. But this is impossible.
    The over riding ‘energy’ or this system is negitive ( call kal ). So you will never be able to achieve this. Plus, if this was the goal, it would have been achieve way before now. Also, why are you trying to change how things are? The world is already as it is suppose to be and perfect, just like you are perfect – if you discover who you really are, and learn to look at it things the right way you will see this for yourself.
    Peace Kevin (karan veer singh)

    1. Hi Kevin
      Definitely good points.

      Point 1. You’re right. A person must have sufficient positive energy to be able to give it away and also be able to re-energise. I regularly get into the trap of giving away my positive energy to lighten a mood or an atmosphere or a person only to then find I’m drained for a day. It usually takes me about 24-36 hours to re-energise. Thank you for adding that.

      Point 2. 2012 is believed by many lightworkers to be a tipping point. For over 30 years energies have been sent to Earth and an increase in positive energy has been occurring so that, for the first time in millennia, the energy will change from something like 51% negative (kal) to 49% negative. So, what has existed for millions of years will start to change. Even Nostradamus predicted this – writing that 2013 would be the beginning of centuries of peace and enlightenment. (I heard that on a show made in the 70s so hope they interpreted correctly!) No war, no disease, no poverty, no hunger – that’s what we’re heading for. So, the world will become more than perfect.
      Peace and light – Manus

  2. Great writeup and responses. I am a very positive person and my speech , expressions and activities exuberate a lot of positivity. My friends and colleagues love my positivity. This morning I was feeling low as from a few days now i feel that women around me are using my positive energy and energising themseleves and i am going in the opposite direction therefore desperately looking up the intrnet to see if could find something to bring sense to this. Can anyone tell me if really people around can take away your positivity to reenergise themseleves or is this something i am imagining. Please reply.

    1. Hi Paddy
      Absolutely. People definitely exchange energy with you. We exchange energy as soon as we sit next to someone. Every human being is a magnetic field and when we’re close to someone physically our magnetic fields intertwine. We also have many other forms of energy that trade with each other on contact, just like heat trades with cold as soon as you put a hot coffee out in a cold room.

      You need to do more meditation and increase your energy levels so that you can still be positive and exuberant but also not feel drained at the end of the day. You may wish to read the book The Celestine Prophecy which gives an insight into this phenomenon.

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