Are you an Energy Conduit?

[showmyads] It has been said that some of us are receivers of energy and some of us are transmitters. As the human race is getting ready for the dimensional shift, many of us are becoming receivers, then transmitters as well as conduits. So, when you reach a certain level your energy touches people near them and they start to adjust and move towards the vibrational level you are. If those people are much lower on the rung towards the level you’re on, chances are a lot more energy you have Read More …

Positive and Negative Energy. Where does it go?

[showmyads] What is negative energy? Negative energy is anything that makes you feel less than joyful! It’s as simple as that. If you are happy and something happens to make you feel less happy, you’ve encountered negative energy. You’ll get negative energy from being around negative people, from observing something that results in you feeling down or depressed, or even watching a tragedy, horror or drama that affects your emotions. The problem we have is that it is believed to be extremely selfish to deliberately avoid negative situations. You cannot Read More …