Joining a Spiritual Circle

For a long while now I have been focused on the internal struggles and how transmuting my internal struggles can help others with theirs. I’ve also joined meditation groups, meetup groups and the like where I’ve met wonderful, like-minded people who gave me advice and assistance in moving to the next level. Many of the things I’ve done have come from a masculine energy thought form rather than feminine energy so much was related to control and finding information that could guide me, rather than just allowing something to happen Read More …

Second Attempt at Vocal Channeling – Message about 2012

I am continuing my channeling practice and amongst the general information I received today, I received this interesting message. It is especially relevant to me as I’m struggling to throw stuff away. I’ve got the mindset that everything needs to be kept – just in case – so moving to a reality where nothing needs to be kept is a huge challenge, though many buddhist monks have been reflecting this idea to everyone for centuries. In any case, what do you think of this one?

First Attempt at Automatic Writing

I’ve decided to channel but the first step I’ve read is to try and do automatic writing. Procedure Summary: meditate, ask for a higher guide to help you, then start scribbling with your hand. Start with circles then ask a simple question and make up the answer. When you intend to make up the answer you make a connection to your imagination which is also the conduit for your higher mind and your guides, so they ride the imagination in and add to what you’re writing. So, I wrote this Read More …

Channel gestalt extraterrestrial beings from the far future for love and profit

[showmyads] One of the things many people discover on their path to whichever version of enlightenment they wish to go, is that they will eventually end up listening to channellings of alien beings / extraterrestrial entities. It’s really the final step because once you’ve read all the religious texts, spoken to all the holistic counsellors or reached a level in your manifestation skills where you can’t go any further, they’re pretty much the only thing left to do. Some people encounter ET channellers suddenly, others after years of exploration. I Read More …

Channeling and Mediumship

[showmyads] What is channeling? This is the act of being able to contact a spirit or other non-corporeal entity or consciousness and then communicate those answers to people nearby. Unfortunately, throughout history, there have been widespread scams and charlatans in this arena. For every person that is a true medium or channeller, there are another 1000 or so that aren’t. Personally I started believing in channeling only recently. It was when that retired airforce officer Stanley A Fulham announced there would be a revealing of ufos in the sky over Read More …