Past Lives and Reincarnation in the Christian Bible

I’m an absorber of knowledge. I love to read new things. So, when I was looking for more material on reincarnation I discovered that New Dawn, a magazine about esoteric concepts, had released a special on reincarnation, afterlife and near-death experiences. Needless to say it was bought without a second thought!

I was fascinated to find inside it a reprint of the article from Facts and Facts by Benjamin Seiler entitled: The Church’s Biggest Lie. The Missing Link in Christianity.

In it Seiler reveals that, until the 6th century, reincarnation was not only believed in, it was originally one of the foundations of Christianity. Rather than go over what was in the article here (you can buy New Dawn Special Issue 14 online here) I’ll just make a comment.

What fascinated me was that a few of the things I thought made no sense in Christianity suddenly made sense when you added reincarnation to the mix. If Christians originally believed in reincarnation then the death of Christ on the cross WAS a means of removing the chain of karma of the world. Reincarnation in Christianity would also explain why the prophet Elijah returned as John the Baptist when, in Sunday school, I couldn’t get a logical explanation for this – did Elijah reappear and take on the body of John, did he possess John? Obviously Sunday school teachers who’ve never heard of reincarnation couldn’t say that he was reborn as John! Reincarnation explains it perfectly.

Then again, over the past decades I have learnt a lot about what was removed from the original collection of texts that later were cut down to become the new testament bible. If I was inclined I should create a new Christian group called Restored Christians and follow what Jesus and Mary Magdalene originally planned, and include things like The book of Judas where Judas states Christ asked him to inform the Romans where he was as the prophecy must be fulfilled, and the book of Mary Magdalene where it is acknowledged she and Jesus worked together equally. Oh, and other apocryphal texts proving Mary and Jesus’ were married and had a son – whose casket was found only a few years ago showing that he died age 9.

Reincarnation removed from the bible too? I shouldn’t have been surprised!

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