Leaving your body

I’ve recently discovered that the option whether to stay or leave your body is becoming more common. This occurs when all lessons are completed, all experiences are experienced and the higher soul in agreement with the Source decides that the life is completed on Earth and it is time to move to the next experience. Rather than have an advanced planned death, which was more common in the past, these days the higher soul actually gives the conscious soul some notice and even a last minute choice.

Remember, the higher soul is from another dimension where life is eternal. 50 years in a life on Earth could feel like less than a second to it and have even less meaning.

On Earth your consciousness needs family, friends, a job and material possessions to be happy.
It may seem like the only things worth living for. As soon as you’re part of the higher consciousness again you suddenly have a different viewpoint and realise that the friends and family and job and material possessions you have are meaningless, as the higher souls of these friends you know are already up there and they’re not the restricted speck of a soul that they are on Earth. When you encounter this situation the chance is high that you will want to leave Earth and leave your body.

But with the dimensional change coming, a number of higher souls are seeing something more important. There’s still important work to be done in assisting humanity to advance to the next level. They may even wish to stay and experience the change themselves. As a result, when the call comes to leave, they choose to stay.

This only works in a healthy body. If you’re already dying of some disease then you’re unlikely to get a choice. Have you ever known extremely healthy people to inexplicably die and the doctor’s find some unusual cause of death? Like accidentally swallowing a poisonous spider or having a heart attack and they find that he’s had a heart problem that wasn’t there until recently, or maybe being in the exact place that the nose of an airplane crashed through his window and the pilot and passengers survived but the guy in the house didn’t?

On the flip side, miracle survivals where the death was planned but the other decision was made. Guy in below zero temperatures survives as he had enough alcohol in his body to survive. Guy who falls overboard and gets dragged under survives for more than 2 minutes under water. Guy who’s house was slammed into by a truck walked out of that living room at that exact point and survived. Guy who is hit by a car and thrown several metres survives without a scratch. The list is endless.

I bring this up because I was given a choice a few months ago.

I was lying on my bed and felt a presence in my room. It wasn’t a physical presence, more like an emotional presence. Like an ending. If you can feel what an ‘end’ feels like.

I turned the light off to go to sleep and the moonlight and light under the door started to darken. Specks started appearing before my eyes. (Having fainted a couple of times when I was a kid I knew it wasn’t that) I started feeling my body getting heavier, like it was starting to crush me or I was starting to lose control of it. I had the distinct impression that if I lay there and didn’t move, this would probably be the last time I saw anything. Ask anyone how they know death is coming for them and I’m sure they wouldn’t be able to describe it either. In any case I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, I had to do something.

So, summoning my remaining strength, I reached over, turned a lamp on and sat up.

It was like a sudden change had come over me. Suddenly I had more energy and the specks had disappeared. I immediately got up, made myself a cup of tea, wrote my do list for the next month and went back to my room and a deep sleep, confident I’d wake up the next morning. (I left the light on just in case anyway!)

Perhaps it was just an overactive imagination but I felt a decision had been made.

Have you ever felt something similar?

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