
Recently, on a number of occasions, quite unexpectedly, I have encountered references to Kundalini.

Someone in a meeting mentioned it, then I turned a page in a newspaper and it was in an article, then I searched online for something completely unrelated and a reference to it came up, and then I started seeing ads for Kundalini Yoga in places I wasn’t expecting to see any spirituality ads.

So, I’ve decided that my higher soul wanted me to post about Kundalini. I’d assume that, if that’s the case, I should get a lot of comments about it on this post. If you have experienced Kundalini, or would like to recommend a Kundalini meditation technique for getting it to happen, please post below so that others can discover it too.

Kundalini Shakti is a goddess in Hindu mythology that represents the potential energy of life that we all have coiled up inside ourselves.
Through Yoga, meditation, stress, fasting or anything else that changes the body, the Kundalini energy in the body can be released, giving us visions, a new lease of life and more.
As it is connected with opening all the chakras one after the other, a dangerous thing for the beginner, there can be side effects and very uncomfortable feelings. If you have strong control of yourself you’ll be able to control these energies coursing through your body but if this is a new thing for you it is advised you do some research and get further advice first.
Below, a meditation video for awakening Shakti

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