Adult Spiritual School

Adult Spiritual School has started. Seminars are being created, discussions with spiritual organisations have begun and a place has been chosen, in conjunction with Adult Language School. We’ve even got a website:

Adult Spiritual School

There’s nothing much there now but over the next few weeks things will start happening to help build it.

From Tuesday 8th March 2011 a weekly meditation session will begin at 8am at our school. Tuesday was chosen as most people are too rushed, too busy or too sick on a Monday to be able to relax. By Monday night we’ve usually caught up on all the things that have happened since Friday and can start to relax. Tuesday is the optimum meditation weekday for busy business people in the city.

The plan is simple. All meditation styles are welcome, though mantras tend to be disturbing to those who don’t use them so best to say your mantras mentally. Meditation will start at 8:10am and run for 20 minutes. (Please bring your own cushion until we know how many are needed.) You can then relax and either head off to work or stick around for an instant coffee and chat. Those who work will probably leave at 8.30. Those who have a bit more time on their hands may wish to stay until 9am.

Adult Language School private tuition starts around 9.30am so 9am is packing up time.

There are toilet facilities along the hall, so if you wish to wear your meditation clothes you’re welcome to change there.

A $5 donation for joining the meditation class would be expected, though if it becomes very popular or a more experienced meditation leader is needed then a higher donation may be suggested at a later date.

The meditation class is the first step for Adult Spiritual School. In the future we hope to add other classes and discussion groups.

If you’re in Sydney and wish to attend the meditation group next Tuesday at 8am, please send an email to manus (at) . Maximum 10 people.

I look forward to seeing you there.


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3 Replies to “Adult Spiritual School”

    1. Hi D. Meditator.

      We’re basically a new group to meditation so we’re learning as we go.

      It would depend though on what your goal is as to what your barrier is. Are you trying to reach your higher self? Are you trying to reduce chronic pain? Are you trying to increase your inner joy?

      You may wish to speak to someone with years of experience such as Judith Lissing of ‘Your Mind Coach’ . You can find out more about her here

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