Gravity increased at 8.45am today

…but I’ll get to that in a minute!

We need more collaboration between the sciences. If global warming enthusiasts worked with oceanographers we’d get more accurate data about carbon levels.

If seismologists, meteorologists and astronomers worked together, we could have more accurate predictions of future earthquakes.

If paleontologists, geologists and physicists worked together we’d have a more accurate picture of the past 4.5 billion years.

Which leads me to my main point.

This morning, just after I finished my shower, I suddenly felt gravity increase. Now what you may not know is that gravity is increasing every day. The Earth passes through tonnes of space dust and rocks that add to its mass minute by minute. Our planet has continued to get bigger ever since it coalesced out of dust and rocks billions of years ago and gravity has continued to increase along with it.

So, if we look back in time, let’s say about 100 million years or so, we’d find that the Earth was a lot smaller and gravity was a lot lighter. Probably about 30% lighter.

I sometimes read with despair the explanation that paleontologists give to why dinosaurs were so large. From multiple brains to defense to increase in oxygen levels, to mutations with large hearts, the list goes on and nothing makes sense or fits with the evidence. Did dinosaurs really have to spend most of their time in the water to hold up their weight when all their food was on land?

None of it made sense but that’s because paleontologists studied biology, not gravity. If they had spoken with physicists, astronomers, geologists and other experts of Earth’s gravity, they would quickly realise a lower gravity would explain the hugeness of the dinosaurs. Why have almost all the big animals disappeared or reduced in size? Because gravity continues to increase.

What concerns me though is that this morning I should not have felt an increase in gravity. I’m guessing that something massive hit the atmosphere this morning and the shock of that disturbed the gravity field. I adjusted quickly to it as would you but I’d like to know exactly what it was.

I should point out that the gravity of the Earth includes the atmosphere so if, for example, a massive ship entered our atmosphere, the entire gravity field of the planet would increase. Also, if a massive plasma storm from the sun headed our way, it’s possible for the gravity field to be affected.

If you have any idea what it might have been, please post a comment. I look forward to reading your thoughts on this.


Today I researched this further. I researched online and found a few more things that reinforced my theory.

One interesting thing I found was that gravity can be measured as being weaker or stronger depending on the thickness of the rocks you’re standing on and how fast the Earth is spinning. Gravity is lighter near the equator due to the spin but can actually fluctuate if heavier rocks replace lighter rocks under where your standing. It’s quite possible that the gravity change I felt wasn’t due to anything hitting the Earth at all. It could very well have simply heavier rocks moving under the crust and bringing with them slightly heavier gravity.

Also, I admit I let my ego control me for a bit as I was very pleased with myself coming up with the most convincing theory for the size of the dinosaurs. So I was brought back down to Earth quickly when I discovered that an engineer had written a book about the theory, with statistics and research… in 1994! He also measured it more accurately concluding that the Earth was about 50% smaller than now. Why is this not all over the net? Why is this not taught in schools already? I hope Stephen Hurrell gets the credit he deserves for his theory. Find out more at Dinox

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