
About Manus – Spiripist and EnLightner

Manus is a Volunteer Spiritual Therapist and EnLightner. He exists in this present time/space continuum to push humanity into considering other concepts above and beyond the expected dogma, rhetoric and 9-5 work, eat, drink, breed, sleep and be entertained default life.

He can be contacted in Sydney and met for coffee or something stronger to discuss metaphysics.

Manus believes there is no wrong answer. The universe is a combination of infinite number of parallel worlds and absolutely everyone can be correct.

What Manus strives for is for people to be clear and positive about themselves, their friends and their lives. Sometimes that’s not possible if you’re surrounded by negative people, situations and circumstances. Manus says you need to do what you can to reduce and if possible completely eliminate negative energy in your life. Know that we all have positive and negative energy and the world will be better if everyone focused on the positives, and dealt with and forgot the negatives. Where possible, turn negative energy into positive energy.

Manus also wants to make it clear that we can be positive while dealing with the negatives. If you’re taking care of a quadraplegic person or you have a friend or relative dying of cancer, for example, it’s hard to think of the positives. There are always positives. Be positive and your positiveness will reflect in a better environment for the person you’re caring for.

Things to be positive and grateful for.
We have energy from the sun to keep us warm
We have oxygen from the algae and trees to breathe.
The gravity under our feet is just right for us so that we’re not crushed to a liquid.
The internet exists (finally!)
There is information out there that can help us
We can help ourselves
We have friends, and even if we don’t have that many, we know how to make more.

If you ever feel negative, sit down and write down 10 things that you appreciated that day. You’ll soon change your mindset if you do this every morning before you get up. Watch as the world slowly changes around you to be a more positive environment, the more positive you get. Attract good things to yourself by projected feelings of positiveness and happiness.

Enjoy your life.

Spread the love

2 Replies to “About”

  1. Hi Manus…… I found your interesting site while searching the net on Parallel Realities. Just wanted to say ‘Hi”. I’m from New Zealand (Kiwi Girl) and am into all things spiritual. I speak with spirit daily. I’m still learning to meditate to a deeper level. Two of my guides are Ascended Masters!
    That’s all for now
    Susan (Kiwi Girl)

    1. Hi Kiwi Girl
      Great to hear from you. Thank you for your post.
      Awesome that two of your guides are Ascended Masters.
      I’m very pleased you are able to speak with spirit daily. If everyone could do that the world would be in a much better shape.
      I hope your meditation is going well.
      I plan to talk more about parallel realities in future posts. Feel free to join in the discussion when I do.
      Thanks again.
      Wishing you peace, love and light.

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