Multiple, concurrent, simultaneous lives. Not past lives!

I have been reviewing a number of channels lately and one of the things that many have in common is the assertion that time is an illusion, everything is happening now, and that they need to communicate with us using linear language to get messages across to us but that some things can be lost in translation or standard language used to convey the message where a more complicated reply would be more accurate.

It wasn’t until I heard a couple of things said by Bashar and connected it with some things said by the agencies transmitting through some of Dolores Cannon’s clients that I finally put two and two together about past lives.

There is no such thing as a past life.

Basically, if there is no time and everything is happening simultaneously, you are not actually having that past life in another time. But you are able to connect to any of the lives you are energetically linked with via your oversoul.

Let me explain. The idea is that we are part of a much larger version of us. The higher mind or higher self is watching our every move and hinting here, pushing there to get us to move in the right direction. But it is part of an oversoul. And an oversoul can have many billions versions of us operating in concurrent parallel realities. Not only that but it can have billions of other facets of itself operating in billions of parallel realities that are us but not really us. Our past and future lives. In a sense, we really only get one life as the Christians say, and when it is over we return to the oversoul and move up the scale. But at the same time other versions of us also return to the oversoul and together, in a split second of now, our combined billions of years of experience are uploaded and we move to the next level.

So, when we first appeared on Earth in our current body, we also appeared on Earth and at other places and times in the universe in different versions of reality. Our oversoul sent other versions of us out to explore other lives and other realities. When we connect to a ‘past self’ we’re actually connecting to a piece of our oversoul or an alternate version of ourselves in another time/space/reality.

Bashar once said that the soul population of Earth actually came from just 300,000 oversouls. That would suggest about 23 million people are from one oversoul. Your ‘soul mate’ is actually one of 23 million possible matches on the planet! If you’re able to connect to your ‘past’ soul lives perhaps you could connect to your ‘present’ soul lives.

But it gets weirder. With time not existing, and most family units actually part of the oversoul, using our past life analogy, you could actually be your own father and your own children, if you consider yourself to be the oversoul, rather than just your higher self.

So, how can you use this in your everday life?

The universe can give us everything we need. Basically we’re infinitely abundant. If we can just tap into that we can improve our life within the co-created time / space reality we can design for ourselves. If all our past lives future lives and alternative/parallel are happening right now, why not just connect with them and learn a few things so that we don’t have to go through the learning process in our present life?

So here’s the exercise for you. Close your eyes and imagine yourself as you would like to see yourself in let’s say 5 years time. Imagine how you would like, how you would act, what you would wear, where you’d be living, who you would be talking with, what your mannerisms would be, anything you can think of. Notice all the differences that that person has compared to you.

That person is real. That future you is real. You have just connected to a reality where that person exists. Now that you’ve connected to that reality, in your dreams or wherever and whenever you’re most comfortable, imagine a dialogue with that future you. Imagine what would be said, what they could tell you. Think of the questions you’d like to ask them like “How did you get to the position you are in now?” for example. Imagine this and focus on doing this just before going to bed. If your future self is able he or she will tell you what you need to know. You can then use this knowledge to become that future you! And, in fact, you can do this with just about any past or future life you believe you can learn from.

Hope you have some fantastic dreams about your simultaneous lives.


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