Attitude of Gratitude not Platitude

In my research to find ways of dealing with being an Empath (now that I know I am one and realised that as it was a special gift there must be ways to filter other people’s emotions out of the psych) I stumbled across some interesting information.

A quick overview of Reiki healing is to feel absolute and total gratitude for something so that your feet are tingling with it and you feel so light you’re almost ready to burst, and then direct that through your hands with the intention of healing. Okay it’s a bit more complicated than that but that’s the basics. So I tried that and found it also worked in shutting out other people’s emotions!

Ecstatic wasn’t the word. So, of course, I had to post.

I’ve always had an attitude of gratitude but most of the time it has been on automatic. Like saying thank you after the shop assistant hands you something. You’re saying thank you to be polite and she is saying you’re welcome to be polite too, but both of you know you’re just going through the motions. So I like to view that as speaking as though espousing platitudes.

For many of us, we haven’t been taking the attitude of gratitude joyfully enough. It’s more of an attitude of platitude. From now on, if you have’t already, whenever you say thanks for something you need to feel it from top to bottom or bottom to top. If you have trouble doing that, think of a person or thing that you are really, really, really grateful for. Something that exceeds all feelings of gratitude in your entire life, and then try and get that vibration back, that feeling back into your body and behind the current thing you’re grateful for.

If you can do that every minute of every hour of every day, you’ll be raising your vibrational level so quickly you’ll make it to 4th density Earth ahead of most of us!

And for empaths like myself, getting into that vibration instantly shuts out everyone else’s emotions and helps you to concentrate on what you need to concentrate on.

Now, that I’ve sorted that little problem out, I’m on to working out how to surrender. It’s one of the stages leading to trance channeling. Yes, that’s the next project. I’ll keep you updated!


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