Channel gestalt extraterrestrial beings from the far future for love and profit

One of the things many people discover on their path to whichever version of enlightenment they wish to go, is that they will eventually end up listening to channellings of alien beings / extraterrestrial entities. It’s really the final step because once you’ve read all the religious texts, spoken to all the holistic counsellors or reached a level in your manifestation skills where you can’t go any further, they’re pretty much the only thing left to do.

Some people encounter ET channellers suddenly, others after years of exploration.

I suggest the 3 really basic stages are:
1. Awareness that religious doctrine actually has a kernel of truth to it. Explore, research, test and find it’s true. Some then take the deep research path and learn every line in the bible, for example, without really following a spiritual path. Others go to the next step.

2. Explore spirituality through meditation, energy healing, networking and learning from masters who have followed ancient laws, or exploring new techniques like the law of attraction. Seeing the evidence and sharing it with others. Practicing to the point of being a teacher.

3. Reach a peak where either there is nothing further to do but continue what you’re doing as you’re already happy, or after you’ve done everything you still feel there is something missing and the only way to find that is to go off planet or to the future. Suddenly, at that point, information about channellers will appear.

What is channeling? Bashar have described it as the mind of Darryl becoming in sync with their mind so that they’re both on the same frequency and both minds are operating exactly the same way. An example would be two versions of the same orchestra piece being played simultaneously and so perfectly parallel that you don’t hear any echo.

For those of you that want to skip about 20 years of further spiritual development and want to jump straight into channeling, here are details of some popular gestalt entities available at a convention somewhere this year.

Abraham – channelled by Esther Hicks
Abraham tends to sugar coat things and make things easier to understand. Eg: The law of attraction is a simplified way of explaining multiple worlds theory. A number of concepts are explained simply to help those who’ve never encountered this before (in their current physical life) to help them take it on board. A good channel to start off with, though Abraham does tend to find theirself saying the same things over and over as people ask the same questions over and over. Esther has been channeling Abraham since the 80s.

Theos– channelled by Aumara Saatia Ra. Very similar to Abraham. It’s interesting to hear the same expressions, pronunciation, stresses, vocabulary and subjects expressed, though I haven’t really listened to much.

Bashar– a member of the Essassani – hybrid human-grays from 700 years in the future in an alternate reality – channelled by Daryl Anka. One of my recent favorites and a gestalt being that really clarifies the whole parallel reality situation for me. They tell it like it is without sugar coating it. NB: It’s a bit difficult to start with Bashar – it’s best to start with Abraham first. Daryl has been channeling since the 80s.

Galactic Federation of Light. High Council of Orion. Allayah – channelled by Karen Doonan. She does this completely free and the messages are almost daily. Released as text, it is usually converted by others to an electronic voice on a video on Youtube. There are hundreds to listen to. Latest one for 8th June is here.

There are other channels out there of course. The problem is that if someone allows their ego to take over, they can lose their insights or gifts, or the vibrational frequency they need to be on to connect to the being is lost. So it’s possible for long term channellers to lose their gifts, be in a position where they need to fake it to survive, and then do that. I’m guessing that the channelers that just scrape by are the ones to believe, and the ones that are living in mansions should probably be investigated further and their teachings taken with a grain of salt. Remember, alien entities from the past or from several light years away have no need of ostentationism.

If you don’t believe in channeling, perhaps it’s an alternate personality in someone with a multiple personality for example, the best way to prove it is to actually do some channeling yourself. Aruna Byers has a short, free ebook you can download hereto find out more.

If you are going to see a channeling sometime, please remember that just because someone is channeling an entity from the far future or the other side of the galaxy or from thousands of years in the past or from an interdimensional vortex, doesn’t meant that that entity really knows what they’re talking about. They’re not scientists. They could very well be janitors on their world (not that there is anything wrong with that – I’m just saying don’t assume they’ve all got doctorate’s in particle physics). Keep an open mind and still let your commonsense and intuition guide you.
Til next time.

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